
I am playing my role in the 4th revolution which is the revolution of IOT.

I am a creative blogger, like to write comprehensive articles and step by step, easy to understand tutorial series about IOT, FreeRTOS, ESP32 etc for beginners who want to learn this disrupt technology and want to master it.

I am an very passionate about Internet of Things. All it begins with my interest in embedded system right from school life. I was very curious about how devices, appliances or machines are controlled by something through programming. At that time I didn't have any idea about micro-controller or Arduino at all. But I had an abstract idea that through programming devices can be controlled. In my under-graduate studies, I came to know about Atmel's AVR series microcontrollers i.e AT Mega 16. I did a training course on AT-Mega 16 by an institute. With the passage of time, My interest develop towards IOT.